Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

3 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 10932
Author(s): Bitel, Lisa M.
Title : Ekphrasis at Kildare: The Imaginative Architecture of a Seventh Century Hagiographer [The author argues that the hagiographer Cogitosus wrote an extensive descripton of the church at Kildare in his "Vita" of Saint Brigit in order to link the space more closely with her sainted presence. Visitors to Kildare were not only connecting to Brigit, but to the center of Christian history with the church's borrowings from Rome. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Speculum , 79., 3 (July 2004):  Pages 605 - 627.
Year of Publication: 2004.

2. Record Number: 4779
Author(s): Jestice, Phyllis G.
Title : Eternal Flame: State Formation, Deviant Architecture, and the Monumentality of Same-Sex Eroticism in the "Roman d'Eneas" ["My argument in this essay has been that in the heteronormative sexual and political economy of early Old French romance we can reclaim the disrputive effects of dialogism and desire, as well as the potentially subversive trace of the silencing of the other (a rhetorical strategy that is itself far from silent) in the historical process of state formation and in the ongoing processes of constructing national political identities." Page 310].
Source: GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (Full Text via Project Muse) 6, 2 (2000): 287-319. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2000.

3. Record Number: 11066
Author(s): Brownlee, Kevin.
Title : The Image of History in Christine de Pizan’s "Livre de la Mutacion de Fortune" [Christine creates a double representation of history in this poem. In addition to relating all the great events in human history, she also presents a personal history in the form of an allegorical autobiography. This narrative fictionalizes her own development into the author of the book, as Christine presents her past self reading a sequence of wall paintings. As she narrates these images, Christine establishes her unique authority as a female poet of history, differentiating herself from the male wall-reading protagonists of the Aeneid, Roman de le Rose, the Prose Lancelot, and Dante’s Divine Comedy. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Yale French Studies (Full Text via JSTOR) (1991): 44-56. Special Editions: Style and Values in Medieval Art and Literature.Link Info
Year of Publication: 1991.